Saturday, 26 March 2011

Web comic - under construction

Figure drawing is not my strongest suit - especially since I usually punish myself into drawing without any references.  That's why the idea of creating a web comic has taken a long time for me to develop into an actual finished article.

The above is partially completed version of the first episode of "Relay", a futurist sci-fi story.  My intention is to make an episode every few weeks (maybe every two weeks if I can!?).  In order to stand a chance of doing so I'll need to streamline my workflow dramatically.  It was always my intention to make the first version to the highest possible standard so I've taken the better part of about 20 hours in total to get it this far; there are still backgrounds to ink and the whole thing needs colouring.  But future episodes may just be lower detail - a manga style of character illustration.

Suffice to say, I've got a big chunk of story to tell...

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